On July 8th, fourteen Mission Helpers from several CLC congregations and I will board an east-bound flight from Chicago at 10:30 pm. We will fly through Istanbul, Turkey on our way to Nairobi, Kenya. Once in Nairobi we will divide into three teams. Two teams will head north in Kenya and the other team will head south and east into Tanzania near the foot of Mt. Kilimanjaro. We will spend the next three and half weeks proclaiming God's saving word to as many children as the Lord gives us opportunity. We are anticipating the opportunity to teach upwards of 1500 children. The teams staying in Kenya will be working primarily with the children at Holy Cross Lutheran School in Emmaus Millimani and St. David AIDS Orphan school in Etago and in congregations in the surrounding area. The Tanzania team will be visiting several congregations, schools, and villages of the CLC-Tanzania with a stop in South-east Kenya to work among the CLC congregations serving the Massai tribes.
The Mission Helpers will be very busy so blog updates may not be very regular. Use the form to the right to sign up for email updates to the blog.
You can find a map here: 2012 MHT East Africa Map
Your prayers are much appreciated.
In Christ,
Pastor Todd Ohlmann